Machu Picchu Luxury Tours
The story of the lost city of the Incas is a fascinating one, and over the past several decades thousands of tourists have arrived in Peru seeking to set eyes on Machu Picchu. The first tours that were available were hiking tours of the Inca Trail and tours of the archaeological site itself, but now, Machu Picchu luxury tours are also an option. You can choose to leave your trip in the hands of a luxury adventure travel company or allow your tour to be planned by a luxury hotel. Whatever angle you choose, with a luxury tour, your trip to Machu Picchu will have a distinctively lavish flair.
When it comes to Machu Picchu luxury travel, there is one hotel that immediately comes to mind. The Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge is the only accommodation that is located right in the shadow of the Lost City of the Incas. Guests of the lodge have the opportunity to witness sunrises in this incredible location, as well as see the ruins in the moonlight. This full-service hotel can also arrange Machu Picchu luxury tours with its own guides. As you explore the site, climb its stairs, see its vantage points, and examine its intricate stonework, you will have a tour guide at your side to illuminate the history and archaeological discoveries.
Some travelers might want to take a different route for planning Machu Picchu luxury travel. Abercrombie & Kent is an adventure luxury travel company that plans excursions to Machu Picchu. These types of companies are accustomed to planning itineraries that meet the unique needs of luxury travelers. When you choose a reputable company like Abercrombie & Kent, you can trust that your standards will be met from start to finish of your vacation. These companies have gone out into the destination and scouted the best hotels, restaurants, and tour guides. Basically, they have done all the hard work for you, and all you have to do is sign up for the tour, then sit back and enjoy.
There are several lesser-known companies that also plan Machu Picchu luxury tours. While they may not have such a developed reputation as the larger adventure companies, they might also offer better prices. If considering these companies, the best strategy to take is to thoroughly investigate their website. Do they have an area where former customers can comment on their trip? Do they share tutorials? A little research can go a long way when planning Machu Picchu luxury travel. Develop a list of questions, and be sure to talk to someone on the phone before booking a tour.
If you’re nervous about local food, transportation, or hotels, choosing a luxury tour will set you at ease about your trip to Machu Picchu. Another safety strategy is to research travel insurance. Many tour companies offer travel insurance as part of their package, but if your tour operator doesn’t, you might want to research the pros and cons on your own. No matter what avenue you take to reach the lost city of the Incas, you are sure to be impressed by this awe-inspiring archaeological site. A tour guide will take your experience to the next level and provide context that puts the whole visit into perspective.